Community classifieds for United States
Company details
Company name
Company name :
Contact person :
United Medical Institute
Address :
5750 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 105
ZIP / Postal code :
City :
Citrus Heights
Country :
United States
Phone :
Mercabba.com Web :


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The mission of United Medical Institute is to provide students an opportunity to achieve their educational and career goals of becoming competent entry-level diagnostic medical sonographers and to help healthcare and medical professionals expand their skills through a combination of practical hands-on training and quality distance education.

United Medical Institute was founded in 2006. Since 2009, the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program has been the core of UMI’s educational curricula. Since 2018, Dr. Inna Lisker has served as UMI’s President and CEO. Dr. Lisker brings high academic credentials, decades of leadership and academic experience in career and higher education, as well as her pledge to continue providing an empowering educational environment for students who are committed to their educational and career goals.



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