Community classifieds for United States
Company details
Company name
Company name :
Contact person :
Tef - Cap Industries Inc.
Address :
1155 Phoenixville Pike Suite 103
ZIP / Postal code :
City :
West Chester
Country :
United States
Phone :
610 692-2576
Mercabba.com Web :


Describe your activity
Established in 1986, Tef Cap Industries is one of the leading manufacturers in chemical resistance and fluid handling. We manufacture and stock a complete line of Heat Shrinkable PTFE, FEP, and PFA Tubing from FDA and USP Class VI approved resins. Our Fluoropolymer Tubing line is designed for a wide range of corrosive applications and, can withstand temperature ranging from -275°F to 500°F. We also provide a range of value-added services to help you ensure the life of delicate instruments and measuring devices in corrosive environments. Visit https://tefcap.com/ to learn more!


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