POSTDATAS - Services
Community classifieds for United States
Company details
Company name
Company name :
Contact person :
Address :
#601,6th floor surya kiran complex ,s.d.road
ZIP / Postal code :
City :
Country :
United States
Phone :
919908984022 Web :


Describe your activity
E-Book (image to msword)
 We will provide you image files (.gif or .tif); you should type those files in Msword.
 We will provide 150 pages.
 Time duration 14 days.
 Per page you will get Rs.50.
 Payment: Rs.7500 per package depends on accuracy.
 Slot accuracy calculation.
 You can use 2 or 3 computers to this job.
 60% error allowed.
 One time rework will be available.
 Booking cost : Rs.4500
 Rs.3000 refund after 5 slots completion.
For more details call us @ 8144095585 or mail us at NOTE:-only serious enquires please.


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