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Contact person :
Arkady Lipnitsky
Address :
635 Madison Ave, Ste 1400
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City :
New York
Country :
United States
Phone :
212 380-1764 Web :


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ReBalance pain treatment clinic is the most comprehensive, integrative and revolutionary treatment and recovery program that relieves pain, accelerates healing, restores mobility, stability and strength. ReBalance Frozen Shoulder Recovery Procedure, Nonsurgical Operation and Myofunctional Rehabilitation for patients who experience shoulder pain.

Why Seek Treatment for Frozen Shoulder?

When pain in your shoulder hampers your lifestyle, you need to take action. It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure what’s causing your discomfort. Don’t continue taking over-the-counter pain medicine. Come in for an evaluation at your nearby frozen shoulder center, ReBalance. Here’s why:

Living with the pain not only limits what you can do, but it may also lead to more serious shoulder injuries.
Over-the-counter medications aren’t meant to be a long-term solution; overuse can cause side effects.
Seeking shoulder pain treatment is the only solution to ease your pain. Don’t wait until it gets worse; seek expert treatment at ReBalance.
What Is Frozen Shoulder?
Shoulder pain is one of the most common causes of musculoskeletal disability among adults in the U.S. Frozen shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis is one of a multitude of conditions that can cause shoulder pain and dysfunction. It’s a painful, disabling condition that’s difficult to diagnose and slow to heal. So take our Self-Diagnostic Test above and let the physicians at ReBalance put their shoulder pain expertise to work for you.

Your shoulders are the most open ball-and-socket joint in your body. While this anatomy allows you freedom of movement, it also leaves the joint susceptible to shoulder injuries, adhesive capsulitis, shoulder tendonitis and rotator cuff tears.


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