Community classifieds for United States
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Company name :
Contact person :
Fernando Mariz
Address :
983 Park Ave, Ste 1D17
ZIP / Postal code :
City :
New York
Country :
United States
Phone :
212 389-1904 Web :


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The information provided on this site is intended to educate the reader about certain medical conditions and certain possible treatment. It is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis, and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health care professional. If you believe you, or someone you know suffers from the conditions described herein, please see your health care provider immediately. Do not attempt to treat yourself or anyone else without proper medical supervision.

What Are Birth Control Pills?
Birth control pills are a kind of medication that women can take daily to prevent pregnancy. They are also sometimes called “the pill” or oral contraception.

How Do Birth Control Pills Work?
It’s pretty common for people to be confused about how birth control pills work. Here’s what it boils down to: birth control pills are made of hormones. Hormones are chemicals made in our bodies. They control how different parts of our bodies work.

Some birth control pills contain two hormones — estrogen and progestin. These are called combination pills. Some are progestin-only pills. Most women on the pill take combination pills.< The hormones in the pill work by

Keeping eggs from leaving the ovaries. Pregnancy cannot happen if there is no egg to join with sperm.
Making cervical mucus thicker. This keeps sperm from getting to the eggs.

Do not wait any longer and make an appointment with Dr. Mariz by either calling our Union Square office at (212) 378-9985 or our Upper East Side NYC office at (212) 389-1904.


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