Community classifieds for United States
Company details
Company name
Company name :
Contact person :
Vivek Khatri
Address :
276 5th Avenue, Ste 704-1141
ZIP / Postal code :
City :
New York
Country :
United States
Phone :
+1 03322557117
Mercabba.com Web :


Describe your activity
Emizentech is an acclaimed IT organization with its expertise lies in delivering top of the line e-commerce solutions to various industry verticals. We deliver the most efficient, scalable, and cost-effective ecommerce business websites and applications that propel massive traffic, sales, and conversions to your digital business and amplify overall business growth. Our core areas of expertise are:

Ecommerce and CMS (Magento, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Shopify, Opencart, Joomla, Drupal)

Application Development (Android, IOS, Wearable, Hybrid, ReactNative, PWA)

Web Designing (Web portal design, UI/UX design, responsive design)

Web (Php, Laravel, Angular JS, Node JS, React JS, Python)

Cloud (Salesforce Cloud, Magento Commerce Cloud)


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