Community classifieds for United States
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1714Blue Grass Court Owensboro, ky 42301
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United States
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+44 702 401 7053 Web :


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I am a certified lender as well as an angel investor certified under universal Laws to give loans for personal development and to set up private business. My business name is COUNTRY FIRM I have been in this business in a form of angel lending and i have good mind towards the needy not to steal from them.

In my loan program, the interest rates are low but on short term repayment. Interest required for the loan is 3% for a duration not more than 30 years but it can be less .

• Minimum loan amount: $ 1,000.00

• Maximum loan amount: $ 100,000,000.00

The minimum duration for this loan is 12 months which is 1 years, For these 12 months, the borrower is expected to make installments of the loan which makes it even easier in paying back.Then Contact Countryfirm Homes Today For Loan Application Form


If you need a loan get back to me now .

Steve Kane
+44 702 401 7053


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